“One of the few truly strategic people who can execute like a mother.”
“Whether you need someone to write killer headlines, run a meeting, or just be the tallest guy in the room, John always delivers.”
“In our time working together I feel I learned more about the creative process than with any other creative partner.”
“As a strategic thinker, idea thinker-upper, copywriter, mentor, collaborator, leader...they don’t get any better than the remarkable Mr. Carstens.”
“One of the guys from one of the other teams came up to me afterward and said, ‘What the fuck was that? I can’t compete with that.’ Exactly. That’s John. Hard to beat. Really hard to beat.”
“He’s the kind of leader that you welcome while you are in the trenches of critical pitches or projects.”
“Scary smart, wickedly funny, with ideas that are always surprising and fresh.”
“John is a crazy great writer and fearless presenter.”
“This is the guy you want to strut into a room like he’s cock of the walk and present a mind-blowing integrated campaign.”
“Smart. Talented. Impeccably coiffed. And most importantly, tall.”